
วันพุธที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Find Stored iPhone Location Data on your Computer

Summary: New page: iOS 4 allows your iPhone to store location data constantly, without you activating the feature or knowing about it. The data is stored on your computer when you sync your iPhone. There ar...

iOS 4 allows your iPhone to store location data constantly, without you activating the feature or knowing about it. The data is stored on your computer when you sync your iPhone.

There are two ways to access your iPhone's location data. One is much simpler than the other, but gives slightly less data.

1. Desktop App

Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden have put together [an Apple program](http://petewarden.github.com/iPhoneTracker/) that will find the data on your hard drive and plot it on a map. Simply download the .zip file, unzip it, and run the app. After a few seconds, a map should appear with circles of various size and color, indicating your iPhone's rough location. The application plays an animation, mapping locations by week and then ending with all points plotted on the map.

You have the ability to zoom in on the map as well as see any given point in the timeline (all points placed on one map is at the very end of the timeline).

You'll notices that if you zoom in far enough, you will notice that the dots on the map are organized in a grid, not by specific location. The developers of the app did this on purpose to allow for privacy:

"To make it less useful for snoops, the spatial and temporal accuracy of the data has been artificially reduced. You can only animate week-by-week even though the data is timed to the second, and if you zoom in you'll see the points are constrained to a grid, so your exact location is not revealed. The underlying database has no such constraints, unfortunately."

2. The Underlying Database

This is a more complicated procedure. On an Apple computer, you need a few things to start with.

A. Materials:
i. Python - You must have Python installed on your computer. To check for this, open Terminal and type:

If you have python, something like this should pop up:
'''Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Jun 24 2010, 21:47:49)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.'''

If you don't have it, get it at http://python.org/download/

ii. Python File

Download iphonels.py here: http://d.pr/2oqd Save the file to your desktop. You will need this later.

B. Procedure

i. Find the most recent backup of your iPhone. It will be in '''~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/''' inside the folder with the most recent modification date.

Within that folder, open '''Info.plist''' in a text editor. In that code, find your device name and make sure it is in fact your iPhone. If it isn't, check one of the other folders in ''' ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/'''

ii. Access the folder in Terminal by entering
'''cd "/Users/''username''/library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/''foldername''"'''

NOTE: Without the quotation marks around the directory, this command will fail.

iii. To work with the data in the folder, run the Python script on it by typing this into Terminal:
'''python ~/Desktop/iphonels.py '''

Quite a bit of text should scroll down the screen.

iv. Find the location file by typing the following into Terminal:
'''python ~/Desktop/iphonels.py | grep "consolidated"'''

v. The identified file is an SQLite database file. Open it to see a list of longitudes, latitudes, and timestamps for your iPhone.

Read more: http://feeds.wired.com/



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